Gemstones are the world wide web for the prehistoric geolocical story since the birth of our earth. 20572 years are just nothing for a real gemstone. Looking at their inclusions you can see informations out of a period of time when our ancestors where called worms and salamanders. So with every real gemstone you can see the beauty, the history and the information of a period of time when nobody even thought of Coca Cola, vacuum cleaners and solar energy. But finally we developed our eyes to see the brilliance of this precious stones. And we created the art of stone- cutting which is the entrance card for their marvellous appearance to our souls.

I really do love gemstones. They are kissing my fantasy....Therefore I wrote a song about this passion, chosing the brown diamond, which is also the name of my first album. You can hear this song on this page:

Brown Diamonds - Music by Thomas Proft

The best way to learn somthing about gemstones(quickly) is to attend a course, for example at the German Gemmological Association in Idar Oberstein.

Otherwise you need a lot of experience to judge about
< real or synthetic
< cheap or expensive
< artificially colored gemstones or real colour

Be very careful with expansive stones. I have been offered emralds in the desert of South-West-Africa for about 1300 US-Dollars. But I never would have paid more than 200 US-Dollars for these stones.

If you attend one of my goldsmith courses you will also experience more about gemstones: []

Already decades ago synthtic-gemstones where built with artificial inclusions. For example a 2-phase-inclusion in an synthetic-emerald.

There is a saying: Humans and gemstones you have to bring out of the setting to evaluate them. So it is dufficult to say something about a gemstone as long it is still in its setting.

Here are some tips how you are going to have fun with gemstones:

< go with your feelings. If you like the stone and it is not expansive - Just buy it.

< If the stone-dealer is in business for over 20 or 30 years and has a permanent resident it is a good sign.

< The same applies for long term jewellers and goldsmiths.

< Be careful buying stones in the country of their origin. Maybe you get a good price. Maybe not.

< Often you get a good price in the hard currency countries.

< You should buy the book "Gemstones of the World" von Walter Schumann because here you see the gemstone colors as original as possible. This helps a lot identifying a gemstone.

You can find many filmclips about basic goldsmith-techniques in the tutorial No.2 - Just click "HERE"